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Color Run

Color Run

HoliColor.eu offers you complete packages to have enough Holi Colors for your Color Run! Our Color Run Packages are specially designed to supply enough Holi Color Powders for the number of participants attending your event. Turn your Fundraiser Event, School/Sportclubs Event into a great success with our packages! Organize your own Color Run »
Color Run


For Color Festivals, HoliColor.eu is the number 1 choice in Europe. Our product is of the highest quality in the market and with our Festival Party Package, you have enough Holi Powders to have a great party for all visitors! The packages are based on years of experience in organizing Color Events. Do you need more Holi Color or any other requests? Do not hesitate to contact us for advise! Organize your own color festival »

Eco Friendly

Cleaning & Washing Holi Colors

Our Holi Color Powders contain corn starch and a color additive. Because of this fact, our Holi Powders are easy to clean. Streets and walls can be cleaned with a broom / vacuum cleaners and water easlily. Be aware that even our Holi Powders might leave a little haze on light fabrics.

If you need any advice regarding cleaning your holi party venue, please contact us. Learn more abour cleaning by clicking here.

Color Run

Powder Caclulator

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam eu nisi metus. Donec at magna sed arcu accumsan condimentum id nec mi. Nam rhoncus nisi a lacus porttitor, ac luctus odio accumsan. Curabitur accumsan velit nec massa finibus suscipit in ut nulla. Etiam a ligula nulla. Nulla commodo pharetra ante ullamcorper iaculis. Calculate your needs »
Color Run


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam eu nisi metus. Donec at magna sed arcu accumsan condimentum id nec mi. Nam rhoncus nisi a lacus porttitor, ac luctus odio accumsan. Curabitur accumsan velit nec massa finibus suscipit in ut nulla. Etiam a ligula nulla. Nulla commodo pharetra ante ullamcorper iaculis. More information »
Color Run

Safety and Holi Colors

As wholesale supplier for many of the large and respected  Color Runs / Holi Festivals / Webshops and distributors around the world, we pay a lot of attention to product development and testing.

Our product is tested by laboratory SGS on heavy metals. The test reports shows our product is free from heavy metals. Many other Holi Color Powders in the market can´t match this parameter.

Our product is tested and approved in UK (SGS) on used Colors (Dyes) and if the ingredients meet the EU Cosmetic regulation 1223 / 2009. The test reports shows our ingredients meet the EU cosmetic regulation.

Our Holi Color Powders are only Holi Color Powders in the world which have been tested as Non Dust Explosive both in USA as in European Union. The test in USA has been done according OSHA. The Non Dust Explosive test done in Germany is done according to EU regulation parameters of VDI 2261 (1). Although these tests show the product is 100% safe for use we always advice our clients to keep clouds of powder away from extreme heat sources and open fire.

If you have any questions about our product / ingredients / safety / packagings, please contact us.

For Safe holi paint powder. Non Toxic – Non Flame; Kingdom of Colors! More information »

The powder calculator

In the stage of planning a Color Run, Festival or Color Party? Need help to determine the required amount of Holi Powder for your event? Use our Powder Calculator!